What’s the latest, oh and Easter!

Hello Family and Friends!

                Blessings to you and your family! There has been so much that has been going on in our lives up here at Camp Barakel. Camp Barakel has not seen any campers on its property since the end of 2020 winter retreats. This 2021 winter season we were able to host 5 fantastic snowy and chilly winter retreats. The snow was deep, the tubing hill was fast, and the hot cocoa was plentiful. Each week both sides of camp had anywhere from 65 to 90 campers. Our groups were limited this year to teens. Even though our numbers were smaller, we had an amazing winter feeding their physical bodies while the speakers and youth leaders helped feed their spiritual hungers. We were excited to hear that several teens accepted Christ this winter! It is always a blessing to hear from leaders that their teens received the words they heard in chapel, and now have a desire to live for Christ. Everyone at camp, from the director to the cook, has a small role to play in their salvation. God does the saving of course, but uses us to meet some of the camper’s needs so they have an opportunity to hear the gospel. God gets all the credit and we get the joy and blessings from it all happening! As our supporters, you play a role in that as well.

                Rita and the kiddos have been doing very well with homeschooling. Celia and Eli seem to be learning quite a lot more than I ever did in those grades. They are enjoying the study of sea creatures, early modern history, and Bible reading. They love the idea that they can have school in the dining hall on Friday Food Prep. They do their spelling and geography while watching mom and dad get food together for the weekend. Currently, Camp is going through what the seasoned resident staff like to call our “Mud Season.” The weather has turned warm and the snow is melting. Almost every day is blue skies and warm. The birds are coming back to nest, and some trees are starting to bud. There is no longer any ice on Shear Lake. It really is pretty out there. I cannot help but think about our magnificent Creator during these months. With the teachings in chapel and the weather changing, I think of Deuteronomy 32:2-3 which says, “May my teaching drop as the rain, my speech distill the dew, like gentle rain upon the tender grass, and like showers upon the herb. For I will proclaim the name of the LORD; ascribe greatness to our God!” What an amazing God we serve!

We just got done doing what is known as “All Staff Clean – West Side.” We all gather to labor and clean all the west side buildings. A very thorough cleaning is done then. We are talking toothbrush cleaning and white glove inspection. It is a time to fellowship too. We usually have a lot of laughter and get to know our co-laborers more. It is a great week to be at camp because we hear so much history and stories of life that was at camp from the seasoned staff. It is a joy to be living here for sure.

Camp is striving to get a lot of work done in the next few weeks before we entertain guests again on the property. We have a lot of housing and maintenance needs. We have another All Staff Cleaning Week – East Side coming up. We need electricians, plumbers, skilled trades and laborers to help lend a hand to make this place greater. Camp is also hosting 3 co-labor challenges at the end of April and into May. Crews work to beautify the grounds by raking leaves, shoveling wood chips, and some cleaning projects. If you have a desire to work here and volunteer some time, please reach out to me or email serve@campbarakel.org.

This week is a very special week for Christians worldwide. We read about Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem; the Last Supper, his arrest and betrayal. Then his trial and sentencing, and him walking to Golgotha to his divine appointment with death. But praise God, the story does not end there! Then came the morning. Easter morning! He is Risen! Please celebrate this week remembering what Christ has done for the world and for you. Grow your relationship with God this week. Read the Word, sing praises, pray and tell others of why we celebrate Easter! John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” Also, click the button below to watch an amazing video about Good Friday! It answers the question of, “What is so good about Good Friday?”

Our camp director, Paul, likes to say, “Every day is like a parade. You never know what is coming.” Boy is that true. Each day is different and each has its challenges. Rita and I are absolutely blessed beyond measure to be here laboring for a Christ exalting camping experience. We would not trade this for anything. Of course we cannot do this work without the prayers and financial support of all of you. We humbly thank our God for each of you that make it possible for us to be here. If you would like to know more about our ministry, what we do here, and how you can help, please reach out to Rita or I at campcooksblog@gmail.com or call us at 586-524-8395.


Because of a cross at Calvary,

Dave and Rita Miron (with Celia and Eli)

1 thought on “What’s the latest, oh and Easter!”

  1. Love this update! I remember doing school during food prep as a highlight too 🙂 And it’s fun to see the pictures after meeting you all a couple of weeks ago.

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