Did we reach 50% over the weekend?

This weekend Rita and I gave our latest update of how God has brought some amazing families to partner with us in the ministry of Camp Barakel. Some of them were unknowns to us. Meaning that they reached out to us to partner with us. Which, as a first time missionary, is amazing to me. I thought I had to do all the work, and yet God brought us these amazing families. He is doing the work. We are just being willing and obedient.

My last post had talked about these families and how we were sitting at 48.76%. Which in itself was awesome, because I was praying we could be at 50% by Thanksgiving! I definitely believed it was possible. But since God was moving people to join us so quickly, I began praying that maybe we could see 50% by the end of the weekend. So, one of our dear friends upped their support amount bringing us to 49.09% on Saturday. Which of course we are thankful for.

Sunday rolls around and we go to church and do not hear anything. Am I upset? Of course not. God is doing amazing things already. We are farther along than where I originally believed we would be at this time. We head over to a friend’s house to watch the Lions play, then home. The whole day we do not hear anything. Again, I am not upset at all. Would I love to see the 50% though, you bet! So that afternoon I prayed to God again to work on our behalf. I have a habit of sitting in my amazing leather recliner and falling asleep. It is 100% effective. Happens to me all the time. Anyways, I wake up at 10:30 P.M. to finally go to bed. I look over and my phone is blinking. I usually do not check my phone this late at night,but something told me to. I look and see I have a new email from a friend I grew up with. This email stated that they were pledging support to us right then and there. Here is the kicker….for the exact dollar amount to bring Rita and I to 50%!!! My, I was floored again! God came through again and on His timing! You should’ve seen Rita’s face when I told her.

This has me thinking of 2 Timothy 2:13, “If we are faithless, he remains faithful— for he cannot deny himself.” God will always see that he gets the glory. Praise God for that too. That he is faithful to us even when we doubt He will be faithful. Let me encourage you with this…Trust God! Trust God when everything is all right. Trust God when things are just ok. Trust God when things don’t go your way and dark skies start rolling in. Trust God when the storm strikes too. Because He is God and you are not. Believe me, He knows what he is doing. He will always have our best interests in mind. When we pray, we are essentially aligning our will to what His will is.

So now, what is our next milestone we are striving towards? Well, I am praying about that now. Maybe we can be to 60% by the end of November. Maybe. But that takes people to be committed to our ministry. Please continue to pray that God will bring us more and more families, churches, business owners, and small groups we can share our ministry with. Would you be willing to step out in faith? Here is how you can help us: http://barakelcampcooks.com/partner-with-us/

Because of the Lamb and Calvary,
Dave and Rita Miron

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